
3 min read
What is The Mediterranean Diet?
The Mediterranean diet is one of the most studied diets out there, and is based on the traditional foods that people who lived around the...

3 min read
Which Is Best - Green Tea or Black Tea?
Tea has also been shown to have many health benefits. And some of these benefits are thought to be related to tea’s antioxidant properties.

3 min read
9 Ways to Break Free From Stress...
While the health benefits of relaxation techniques like meditation are amazing, there are other ways to relax as well. You may want to try s

3 min read
I Find Your Lack of Support Disturbing...
No, it’s not a Darth Vader quote from Star Wars… but it is a subject that’s been on my mind lately. It gives me a sense of foreboding becaus

3 min read
How Much Sugar is Too Much Sugar?
You know, sugar isn't the best thing for your health but did you know "added sugars" (sugars not naturally occurring like thos

4 min read
Why Am I Always Hungry?
No; it’s not just you who feels like you’re on a constant search for food to stuff your face. You're hungry. And uncontrollable hunger is...

4 min read
2018 - Avoiding The New Year's Disillusion
Resolutions. They're not just about wanting and wishing – they're tied in with purpose and finding the 'right' goals. Why is

3 min read
What You Should Know About The Paleo Diet.
You may have heard of the "Paleo" diet. It was the world's most popular diet in 2013. But what is it? Is it a fad? Is it right for you?...

4 min read
Man-O-Pause: What To Do Before Asking Your Doctor for Testosterone Therapy
Each year that I reach past the age of forty it becomes increasingly clearer to me: women aren’t the only ones who go through hormonal...

4 min read
Cholesterol Myths and What You Can Do About Them
While cholesterol is a molecule, what it is bound to while floating through the blood is more important than how much of it there actually i