
3 min read
Autoimmune Disease: Diet Protocols 101
Following an anti-inflammatory diet can help decrease fatigue, pain, and brain fog associated with inflammation and help decrease inflammati

3 min read
Adaptogens: What are they - and should you use them?
Stress prompts the release of stress hormones, like Cortisol. When you’re chronically stressed with high Cortisol levels, your health can ta

3 min read
Real Anti-aging Hacks That Work
We all get older every single day and each person’s aging process will look different. So, why not embrace aging, rather than fearing it? Di

3 min read
Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load; What's The Difference?
Have you ever had your blood sugar levels tested or heard about eating to balance blood sugar? Have you wondered about the science behind ho

3 min read
What Makes a Food Processed?
There are lots of ways to process food. Did you know there are official definitions of unprocessed, minimally processed, processed, and ultr

3 min read
Sizing Up The Super-Foods: Broccoli and Kale
Not only are they seriously packed with nutrients, and are amongst the most nutrient-dense foods around. But, they’re also packed with amazi

3 min read
The Pros and Cons of Elimination Diets
If you've been having mysterious health problems, it's possible that they're related to the foods you eat! And I'm not just

4 min read
What to Eat When You’re Feeling Constipated
Constipation is more common than most people think. And there are lots of things you can do to keep food moving right through you (without s

3 min read
Which Foods Can Help With Blood Pressure?
High blood pressure is a silent disease. Often, there are no symptoms, so that’s why it’s tested regularly by your healthcare professional.

2 min read
How to Make The Most of Your Massage Session.
In order to get the most out of your massage, I recommend my clients regularly practice the following self-care tips. Not only do they...