Hemp (and its seeds) have come a long way from the tie-dye, hippie era. Who knew they were so nutritious? Well, I guess the hippies did... No matter, these little babies provide some added fiber plus some additional protein to your salada. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
Hemp Seed and OJ Dressing
Serves 4 (Makes about ¾ cup)
½ cup hemp seeds ½ cup orange juice 1 clove of garlic, peeled dash salt and/or pepper
Blend all ingredients together until creamy.
Serve on top of your favorite vegetables and salad greens and Enjoy!
Tip: If you store extra dressing in an airtight container in the fridge, it can keep for about a week.
Nutrition Facts Per Serving (Serves: 4)
Calories 135 | Protein 6.9g | Total Carb 4.8g | Dietary Fiber 1.4g | Sugars 2.6g | Total Fat 9.4g | Saturated Fat 1g | Trans Fat 0g | Cholesterol 0mg | Sodium 29mg | Potassium 265mg
(Vitamin A 0% · Vitamin C 44% · Calcium 2% · Iron 16%) *Based on a 2,000 calorie diet Recipe analyzed by; VeryWell