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What You Don't Know About The Pomegranate Heart

By now you've probably already heard that pomegranates are good for your heart.

In fact, walk by most grocery store "health food" aisles and you're likely to see at least a drink or two made with pomegranate juice.

If you're not already eating pomegranates or drinking some form of its juice, here is yet another reason you may want to consider doing so ...

It turns out that it could have a positive impact on reducing inflammation and joint pain caused by rheumatoid arthritis (RA). [1]

Studies have been done in the past to examine the effects of pomegranate juice on arthritis and inflammation... however they were done on rats, not humans.

In this recent pilot study, published in The Israeli Medical Association Journal, researchers recruited eight participants diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.

Each participant was given 10ml/day of pomegranate extract, for twelve weeks.

Also, the researchers assessed the participants' joint status and serum oxidative status at the beginning of the study and at the end of the twelve-week supplementation period.

So what happened?

By the end of the study, the pomegranate extract helped alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis.

On average, participants were able to reduce their tender joint count by a whopping 62 percent!

They also significantly reduced their serum oxidative status, which is highly indicative of a reduction in the body's inflammatory response. As well, participants reduced the composite Disease Activity Index (DAS28) of arthritis by 17 percent.

The study's authors added, "Dietary supplementation with pomegranates may be a useful complementary strategy to attenuate clinical symptoms in RA patients."

This is exciting news for anyone with chronic joint pain. And quite frankly, if you suffer from arthritis or similar pain, there really is nothing to lose in trying pomegranate juice out, and see if it works for your body.

Just keep this in mind; most of the juice sold is quite high in sugar. So a little goes a long way, especially if you're trying to get or stay lean and healthy.

And as you would expect, the best way to ensure you're getting plenty of antioxidants to keep your body healthy and disease-free is to eat a diet high in a variety of fruits and vegetables. The more colorful, the better.

Oh and one more thing - if you're serious about taking your health and fitness to the next level this year, why not take advantage of your FREE Fitness Consultation? (an $87 value)

During this consult, you'll receive detailed information on how to get fit and trim that's tailored to YOUR body.

There's no obligation and it's totally and completely free. To sign up, contact me here


1. Balbir-Gurman A, Fuhrman B, Braun-Moscovici Y, Markovits D, Aviram M., "Consumption of pomegranate decreases serum oxidative stress and reduces disease activity in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis: a pilot study." Isr Med Assoc J. 2011 Aug;13(8):474-9.

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