If there is one thing I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older it’s the inability to remember even the most simple of things. Sometimes it can be downright frustrating. But here’s a little blurb written by Arden Moore in Success Magazine that I thought you might find interesting.
“Our brains can start to power down in our early 40's. That is, the complex mental processes we rely on to be our sharpest selves professionally could dull overtime.
Blame these acuity robbing culprits: being overly focused on remembering every detail, quickly switching back and forth from one task to the next, and feeling and overpowering need to instantly respond to every email or text. Memory, thinking speed, reasoning and decision-making can wane.
Officials from the Center for Brain Health at the University of Texas at Dallas offered these ways to reverse workplace brain drain:
Rest your brain and then reboot. Quieting your mind a few times each day for just five minutes can help improve your decision-making, problem-solving and productivity. So disengage briefly to free your mind for its next aha moment.
Focus on one task at a time. Give your full attention to one task before starting the next. Interruptions and multitasking can overstimulate your brain, impede productivity and accuracy as well as drag out the time needed to complete all of your tasks.
Prioritize your daily to do list. Identify the two most crucial tasks on your to do list and completed them before moving on to less significant items. This tactic will boost your brain productivity, quality of work and efficiency.
Say no to the status quo. Instead of doing things the same way at work, mix it up and try a new approach. Everyone has the potential to break new ground and be more inventive at any age. The payoff is a healthy your brain-and more creative solutions”
Of course these suggestions are plain common-sense, but many times we just need to be reminded to step back and allow ourselves to catch our breath before rushing back into our stress driven, over-active and attention distracting lives. I plan on putting these suggestions to good use and if you have any more that you would like to add, please be sure to leave them in a comment below.
And keep moving toward a better you!