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The 4 Worst Breakfast Foods

Just a quick note on the most important meal of the day... While you may be in a morning rush, I don’t want you making the mistake of eating one of these 4 things for breakfast: 1. Breakfast pastry: muffins, doughnuts, bear claws and croissants sure taste good with coffee, but all those refined carbs are going to cause unwanted weight gain. 2. Store Bought Granola Bars: watch out for the breakfast bars that claim to give you fiber, vitamins and minerals. Check the number of carbs and sugars on the back of the label – most contain the same sugar as a pastry. 3. Cereal: here’s another popular breakfast item that has tons of sugar lurking beneath its surface. Only eat cereal that has no added sugar and that contains some protein and healthy fat. 4. Drive Thru Breakfast Sandwich: don’t even think about heading to the drive thru for a quick breakfast sandwich. You're better off with a slice of toast and a hard boiled egg from home. And they're portable enought for your commute.

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FitClinic LLC (Formerly; John Aaron Massage & Wellness)

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